MathPro Lite is a powerful, feature rich comprehensive calculator. It is a scientific calculator and math calculator and contains a huge number of calculations. It is a Powerful Scientific calculator with numerous functions and it is very easy to use.
MathPro Lite contains the basic algebraic calculations but also includes the square and cube function of, factorial of x, y to the x power where y and x can be input, exponential function, square root and Taylor series as a function of x. You can also input an algebraic equation in x and the calculator will parse the result. It also input of two variables x and y within many of its calculations. You can specify the number of decimals in the results and can specific scientific notation.
The formula that is evaluated is display so you always have a reference to the equation the MathPro just solved. You can easily clear your input and start over. Math Pro Lite is integrated with Openview's product Math Quest. You can select from six categories - Area, Volume, Perimeter, Physics, Probability and Physical Constants. The app will show values and equations and a description of the equation.
From there you can change the inputs to compute the result of the equation. It is powerful and is a perfect match for the Math Pro calculator. Many other functions and equation categories are available via in-app purchases. Finally, Math Pro Lite comes with an easy to use Unit Conversion function were you can easily enter the units you wish to study and with one button click see all the conversions for that unit. It is all designed to work on one screen.
Solve single and multi-step word problems using multiplication and division at!